Dear Colin

I stand with you as you deal with the tragic passing of your dearest wife due to an unnecessary medical intervention. My own dearest husband of 27 years and dad to our 2 young daughters succumbed just 20 days after taking AZ on the 16th September 2021. Conrad was just 60 years old , A great fun loving guy who loved his family to bits, an accountant who enjoyed a regular game of golf and a man of Faith .He died all alone in hospital as we were not permitted to visit. We were told he had developed Pericarditis but not from AZ rather that ""He may have had an underlying condition""

That was an end to the Chapter as society saw it but we are still reeling from the unfair, untimely and shocking passing of our beloved one, a Crater of emptiness in our lives.

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I'm so, so sorry to hear of your story Colin. It's shocking and disturbing.

And what's more disturbing, is that your wife's story is not the only one. There are probably dozens (hundreds?) around the country. I personally have two friends whose relatives died shortly after being vaccinated, with a clear link (at least to those of us observing), yet the medical staff will not acknowledge it. Two contacts killed by the vaccine, yet I know of zero personal contacts who died from Covid-19. Something seems terribly wrong here.

I sincerely hope that your case gets a thorough and just investigation, and yet I'm saddened that based on current trends in Australia, it may not. At least not immediately.

But thanks for posting this. My hope is that enough people will read stories like this until the public pressure reaches the tipping point, and authorities must investigate and bring justice to those who are crying out for it.

May God help us. 🙏

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May god help us you're saying, my grandmother nearly 100years ago said, - GOD HELP THOSE WHO HELP THEM SELVES - it's no different now. Who is helping them selves this days ??? besides hoping and expecting help to fall out of a sky. Well it's not going to happen, I should mention the reason why I am writing this as it is something that isn't going to change for better only for worth if and the big IF. Going back a 1000 years back and if one doesn't know the history of the CRUISARDERS WARS should look in to it how whole of Europe has join together and marched 100- 1000's KMS on Jerusalem and concord the lands, well the IF is, no individual country or it's few concerned inhabitants or regions will cry about injustices as this is what's going on and nobody is doing the Crusaders trick or action, whatever one will call it, will achieve nothing no matter the cost.

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Doctors in this country bury their mistakes

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The fact that governments and health bureaucrats coupled with MSM refuse to listen to this sort of anecdotal evidence is a crime. Pure and simple.

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Colin, this is such a tragic story and, sadly, not the only one like this that we have heard of. The doctor should have been charged with criminal negligence but the coward disappeared too quickly. Hopefully, though, he will be brought before a court of law at some stage, if not for this case, then maybe for another; such an incompetent doctor is hardly likely to improve in his practices. I hope down the track that we will all see justice prevail and the evil people who have destroyed so many lives in this country pay for their crimes against humanity - these include politicians, the legal fraternity, medical practitioners, bureaucrats, agencies such as the TGA and AHPRA, etc. There is a very long list!

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Someone connected to our church died two days after his vaccination. Autopsy didn't mention the vaccine - only his diabetes which was under control. We've also had people in and out of hospital having brain scans etc after their jabs. Also someone with a serious blood clot. I also had to call an ambulance and go to hospital with chest pains a few days after my second AstraZenica. None of the above was attributed to the jabs despite extensive testing!

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Doctors are silenced by their gag notice regarding the vax and an incompetent doctor gave my mother AZ jab last year and after months of pain, she died earlier this year, which I believe is a result of the dangerous jab.

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Condolences Alex. Bet you received plenty of that from them.

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